Sunday, January 20, 2019

My Tesla Is Finally Here

I remember back when I was a teenager in the 1980's seeing an electric car on TV, and thinking that it would be the greatest invention ever! It seems so far-fetched and too space-aged to ever be real. Since then, every time I see news about another electric car, I got intrigued, looked it up, and imagined the possibility of getting one. But they were either not regulated for Canada, or the range was so short and battery charging was so slow, it would be a major sacrifice to make it work without another car that used gas.

Then along came Tesla. Seriously! I never thought for a minute I would see a "real" electric car in my lifetime, let along own one. But here I am, almost 3 years after placing my reservation. I am going to own a brand-spanking new Tesla Model 3!

I've been following Tesla since late 2015, completely fascinated by the company, and thinking that I will finally make my teenage dream come true. I just HAD to make it happen. My teenage self would never forgive me if I didn't try.

The most expensive car I ever purchased was my current Honda Civic at $18.5K (including taxes). How in the world would I EVER be able to afford a car like this? I took one more music gigs outside of my regular job. I penny-pinched when I could, putting whatever money I could spare into a savings account every month. I worked out the monthly payments, and tried to be as realistic as possible. Yes, I could save on gas and use that towards my monthly payment, but my insurance would be higher, and maintenance costs are less, sure... but not nothing!

Well, I placed my order on Sunday, January 6th, and now I'm just waiting.

I told the Tesla Advisor that it would be so cool if I got it in time for my birthday on January 31st. Next thing I know, I get an email almost right away that my delivery day has been set for that day! Now they just have to work at matching me with my car. How cool is that?

I've learned so much about the car that I feel like I know it already. I just want to experience it now!

Stay tuned. It's going to be a great birthday this year!!

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